Bastián Del Mauro

Mineral Commodities Market Analyst

Bastián joined Plusmining in 2021, after working as a Mining Analyst for two years at the Chilean Chamber of Mines (Sociedad Nacional de Minería). His career has provided him with a solid background in mining industry analysis, covering critical areas such as technical report analysis, tracking key performance indicators, strategic evaluation for the mining business, as well as sector trends and mineral commodities market analysis.

At Plusmining, Bastián has shown a proactive approach to innovation and internal development. He has stood out for leading projects aimed at improving the team's work processes, demonstrating his ability to identify and implement initiatives that increase operational efficiency. In addition, he has played a significant role in the initiatives to connect with Plusmining's target market, contributing to strengthening the company's presence and impact in the industry.

Bastián has an academic background in Mining Engineering from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile and has complemented his education with a Diploma in Data Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His technical training and practical experience have enabled him to tackle complex challenges in the mining sector.
