Copper reached its highest price since January

The red metal was trading at $ 2.64 a pound, up for the fifth consecutive week.

Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica pointed out that “this means a great boost” for the Chilean economy.

The price of copper closed this day with an increase for the fifth consecutive week, as reported by the Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco), which translated into the highest price since January.

The red metal was priced at $ 2.64 a pound, which is influenced by the economic revival of Asian countries and financial stimulus from the world’s major powers.

The economist and executive director of Plusmining, Juan Carlos Guajardo, explained that this increase “could come close to recovering everything he lost as a result of the Covid-19.”

And he added that “the developed world is emerging from the health crisis, by the way that there are still some uncertainties of reinfections that maintain some caution, but in general it has been known. There are many stimulus plans underway.”

The Government celebrated the news and the Minister of Mining, Baldo Prokurica, pointed out that “this means a great boost, if these prices are maintained for the national economy, a great boost for Chilean mining.”

“Mining has been an activity that has not failed Chile, which has been standing because Chile needs a lot of help for their families during the post pandemic period, a lot of help for SMEs,” he concluded.

Marco Riveros, executive vice president of Cochilco, explained that due to the advance of the coronavirus, “the casualties are going to touch 200,000 tons, that is what we have so far. The numbers are as variable as the evolution of the pandemic in these moments, the productive and the numbers are going to come true, but the health of the workers is the priority. ”

The unions expressed their concern about the high rate of contagion in mining districts. The president of the Chilean Mining Federation, Gustavo Tapia, indicated that “we are quite concerned, what is happening beyond the issue of tasks, at this moment what worries us is what is happening in the two mining regions in the north, Tarapacá, Iquique and Antofagasta

Source: Radio Cooperativa

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