Marcelo Salas

Business Development Manager (Australia)

In 2024, Marcelo Salas assumes a crucial role at Plusmining, leveraging his extensive background of over 30 years as an international business executive and advisor. Specializing in strengthening ties between Australia and Latin America, Marcelo focuses on driving the development of new businesses with an emphasis on the Australian market. His experience in fostering global partnerships and his deep understanding of both markets are fundamental to Plusmining, enabling the company to expand its reach and strengthen its presence in Australia, thanks to Marcelo's expertise and passion for generating significant and sustainable business opportunities.

Marcelo held key positions at ProChile, such as Deputy Director, Head of Information, and General Manager of Chile's first Global Image Campaign. Moreover, his tenure as Chile's Senior Trade Commissioner in New York, USA, and Australia underscores his competence in international trade and diplomacy. Marcelo's leadership extends to his roles in the private sector as Country Manager for Tersainox S.A. in Australia, and Senior Strategic Partner at Euromonitor International, where he used his experience to drive business growth and strategic initiatives.

From 2010, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Australia Latin America Business Council (ALABC) and served as CEO of ALABC from 2018 to 2023. During his tenure, he led the council to unprecedented success, significantly increasing its membership base, establishing strategic alliances, and cultivating lasting relationships in both regions. His efforts ensured the council's long-term viability and sustainability.

Marcelo has a degree in Business Administration Sciences (Commercial Engineering), specializing in Business Management Sciences and Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. Additionally, he obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in International Commercial Negotiations and Export Development from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Santiago.
